How to Grow A Business With No (Or Almost No) Budget

Yup - that's the challenge!
Three small businesses - each of which has grown organically through word of mouth, referrals and networking.
Now they're ready to take it to the next level, and we're going to see how far we can achieve that using social media and online marketing.
Follow this blog to find out what we learn!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Customer Service as a Social Media Marketing Tool

Do you remember the days when they used to say "please a customer and they'll tell two people; annoy a customer and they'll tell 20"?

Nowadays, it's more like 20,000 or more. That brings a whole new perspective to the importance of customer service!

It would be great if we could say that every business should be able to operate without ever ticking off a customer, but I really don't think that's the reality (except for you and me, of course). But, one of the great things about social media is it gives you the chance to hear what people are saying about you and react.

And your reaction is the key. Here's my handy five-point plan for reacting to customer complaints:

1) Be vigilant, so you find the complaints in the first place
2) Respond immediately
3) Acknowledge that there is a problem, rather than reacting defensively
4) Don't just promise to 'look into it'. Take real, concrete action
5) Go above and beyond in making amends

Because when you deal with a dissatisfied customer quickly and by treating them exceptionally well, chances are they will become a very vocal advocate for you.

I hope this won't happen often to you, but when it does, it's nice to be able to turn it around.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Internet Marketing Audience

Not sure if anyone is reading your blog/newsletter/assorted ramblings?

It can be really hard to motivate yourself to write to a largely unresponsive audience - and I suspect that's one of the major reasons people fall behind. But the thing about that is that your words of wisdom might not be falling on deaf ears after all.

Some time ago (two years or more, I think) I had a monthly e-newsletter called Marketing Tips. I ran it for quite a while, but for multiple reasons I eventually let it die a death.

Well, a couple of weeks ago I met, for the first time, a wonderful lady called Lynne. She remarked that she had often wondered where Marketing Tips went, because she used to look forward to it.

Apart from being nice to hear, that made me think about how easy it is to be unaware of your silent audience. Facebook fans who never respond; blog followers who don't comment; Twitterers (Twits? Tweeties?) who steadfastly remain silent. Let's face it most of us don't reply to other people's posts, so while we should aim to build an active community, we should not despair if the activity is sluggish.

If you got this far - any comment?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Masterminding and Brainstorming for Business Success

If you know me, you'll know I'm a big fan of networking. Making contacts, learning about business and, yes, seeing real people ... priceless.

Also, one of the best things to come out of my networking has been the chance to participate in mastermind and brainstorming groups.

And that is the subject of this week's blog. You see, particularly as a solopreneur it can be easy to get insular. How great to have a mastermind group where you can brainstorm ideas to your problems and help with other people's. In fact, the discussions around others' business challenges can be as educational and enlightening as the solutions offered for your own.

So, whatever size your business, consider adding masterminding to your mix of activities. It doesn't even have to be a formal group - you can arrange for a weekly phone call or conference call just to check in and share ideas.

Who do you know, with skills and talents that complement your own? Some of them might be a great masterminding partner.